The Gwinnett Chamber’s ON TOPIC luncheon, sponsored by Porter Steel, featured a key presentation from Alex Gonzalez, Chief Innovation and Marketing Officer at the Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC). Gonzalez introduced the region’s latest initiative, the “Atlanta: Where You Belong” campaign, designed to drive businesses to invest in Metro Atlanta and attract top talent.

Gonzalez highlighted that the campaign’s primary focus is on attracting young professionals, particularly those aged 22-35, and recent graduates from the Southeast region. While acknowledging that Metro Atlanta cannot cater to everyone, the campaign aims to appeal specifically to those looking to build and grow their careers in a vibrant and dynamic environment. However, Gonzalez also pointed out the specific need to target those audiences willing to relocate for a job, for which the data shows more than half are married with young children.

The campaign targets those not just interested in visiting the area for a brief time but considering long-term relocation. Addressing common perception issues such as traffic congestion and safety concerns, which are often associated with big cities, is also a key focus. Gonzalez emphasized that Metro Atlanta also has the advantage of marketing diverse and unique lifestyles due to its distinct communities, such as Gwinnett County. This diversity adds to the region’s appeal by offering a variety of living environments for potential residents.

The campaign’s brand strategy is built on three pillars: showcasing careers and companies as central attractions, offering a customizable lifestyle for different life stages, and fostering the sense of community that defines what it means to truly belong here. The overarching goal is to find the right talent to fuel companies in the region, positioning Metro Atlanta as an excellent place to build and grow a career. By focusing on these key areas, the “Atlanta: Where You Belong” campaign aims to change the narrative and highlight Metro Atlanta not just as a place to work, but as a place to live, thrive, and grow a family. The luncheon underscored the region’s commitment to creating an attractive environment for businesses and professionals alike, ensuring a robust future for Metro Atlanta.

To learn more about the campaign, visit Additionally, save the date for the Gwinnett Chamber’s next ON TOPIC luncheon on June 26 at the 1818 Club.

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