It is hard to stop looking at your own face during a video call. That high-definition video reveals far more fine lines, wrinkles and sunspots than the bathroom mirror. Now more than ever people are using video calls to keep in touch with work, friends and loved ones; and more than ever, they are turning to Chrissy Thomas, RN, and her staff at About Face Skin Care to help with what they’re seeing.
“We boomed because people were paying a lot more attention to things that they were seeing on their neck and their wrinkles and their frown lines,” said Thomas, who owns the Snellville-based About Face Skin Care. “It was a common theme: ‘I’m doing the Zoom thing and I can’t believe what I’m seeing!’”
About Face Skin Care provides procedures and products to men and women wanting to maintain a youthful appearance. Though About Face Skin Care’s offices are meant to be relaxing and serene, the practice is much more than a spa. The company is run by three registered nurses and overseen by a physician; Thomas herself used to be a charge nurse for plastic surgery in a hospital’s trauma center. This medical experience enables About Face Skin Care’s providers to address clients’ health concerns as well as choose the most long-lasting solutions for each individual.
“There’s a lot of practices that focus on injectables, fillers and Botox and there’s a lot of practices that are aestheticians that focus on just basic skin care. We are a good combination of both,” Thomas said. “I focus on a more natural restoration of the face, especially for mature people. I don’t like enhancements with big, bloated lips and big bloated faces.”
Thomas is particularly thankful for the new business video conferencing has brought this year as she and her husband/business partner, Sam Thomas, signed paperwork to open their second location in Dacula days before businesses were shut down to stem the spread of COVID in March 2020. Both the new location at Hamilton Mill and the original office are now open and Thomas is excited to be seeing her clients again.
“We get very close to our clients,” she said. Since her business opened in 2002, many clients have become like family. “You get this person who comes in, feeling insecure about something and then you start making them feel a little better. From there, so many times people go on to start taking better care of themselves and it becomes a personal growth thing. So, we develop an emotional connection with our clients.”
It’s playing a role in that personal growth and being able to help a person carry one less insecurity or bothersome issue that brings Thomas satisfaction. “I love my job. I would be very sad if someone said I couldn’t do it anymore,” she said. “It is a joy to see people feel good about themselves.”
Though Thomas is seeing more clients all the time and facial treatments and enhancements are becoming more commonplace in popular culture, she is still surprised by peoples’ trepidation at the initial consultation.
“I think they see it as this thing where you come in and you’re just going to look completely different and everyone is going to know that you’ve done something. And that’s not the case at all. You’re just going to look like you’ve had a nice nap,” Thomas said. “It’s not like we’re all walking around with bloated lips and frozen faces. We don’t want to look crazy either. It’s not as intimidating an environment as people think it is.”
In fact, Thomas said very often it takes a lot less work than a client thinks it will to make the changes they are seeking. She and her staff have several solutions that are non- or minimally invasive to address most issues clients have with their appearances.
So, if the way you look on video calls, or otherwise, is challenging your confidence, or even if you’re just curious, Thomas encourages a free consultation at one of About Face Skin Care’s locations. “If there is something that you see every time you look in the mirror that you wish you could change, please come see us,” she said. “I love making people happy.”