Joy Monroe



Describe what you do for your company.: I am the Founder/CEO of SPARC (Single Parent Alliance & Resource Center), a non profit organization headquartered in Gwinnett County. I work hard to ensure equity for single parents and the children they are raising. I do this through a variety of innovative and comprehensive programs that engage all members of the family.  All who know me, know that I am passionate about supporting single parent families and will work hard to ensure that they have access to the resources, volunteers, and support they need in life.

Describe what your company does.: Single Parent Alliance & Resource Center (SPARC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Gwinnett County, Georgia. SPARC’s mission is to empower and equip single parents with the necessary tools, resources and support to enable them to create a healthy home environment and nurture their children into productive and successful adults. It is SPARC’s Vision that single parents will be empowered and equipped to take their place among society’s most successful families.

List any of your achievements.: I was a 2023 Moxie Finalist in two categories: Pay it Forward and Greater Good.

Fun fact about yourself.: Fun fact: I love to travel and I am an action movie junkie.



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