Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce (GCC) and Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GHCC) agreed to participate in a business alliance in 2019. During the GHCC August 2021 board meeting, both parties – represented by Gwinnett Chamber President & CEO Nick Masino and Georgia Hispanic Chamber President & CEO Veronica Maldonado-Torres (pictured above) – renewed this agreement.

This memorandum of understanding (MOU) is meant to foster inclusion and encourage further collaboration for global business growth in Gwinnett. It reads as follows:

Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce (GCOC) and Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GHCC) have agreed to participate in an alliance.

WHEREAS, the purpose of this MOU is to encourage and further collaboration between the two parties to best serve their members and the diverse community.

WHEREAS, it is recognized that there are abundant and exceptional resources for both parties to grow their membership and support their members.

WHEREAS, this agreement and any information concerning its terms and conditions is Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce and Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s proprietary information.

GCOC and GHCC cooperate to achieve the following purposes:

(a)  GCOC and GHCC will participate in an MOU signing ceremony on an agreed upon date, with the event planning led by the GCOC and the event promoted by both organizations. GCOC will draft a joint press release to be approved by GHCC and will distribute it to appropriate media outlets.

(b) GCOC will provide GHCC weekly office hours and space within the Gwinnett Chamber offices.

(c)  GCOC will provide GHCC monthly office space for its monthly business group meeting.

(d) Both will partner on at least two events per year, including but not limited to, the Multi-Chamber Mixer and Small Business education event. GCOC will partner on the content and speaker selection for any partnership event.


(g)  GCOC benefits: Trade membership for GHCC and CGOC attendees will receive the GHCC membership rate to attend GHCC events.\
GHCC benefits: Trade membership for GCOC and GHCC attendees will receive the GCOC membership rate to attend GCOC events.

Marketing and Public Relations:

(a)  GCOC has agreed to promote any joint events through social media and will promote GHCC as a partner when appropriate.

(b) GHCC will promote GCOC as a partner when appropriate.

(c)  GCOC and the GHCC will include the other organization’s logo on their respective websites as an affiliate partner organization. The two organizations will promote the other’s news as appropriate.

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